Monday, May 24, 2010

Manic Monday

Wouldn't you finally turns into summer and our outside portion of the central air...doesn't work. ARGH!!!!!!!!!! Of course we have a call into the heating and air guys, but so does probably half the county. Last night was hard sleeping--takes me back to growing up with no air--"think cool thoughts" is what my parents used to tell me. Yeah right!

Computer is acting up also. Had trouble re-booting last night so Doug quickly backed everything up on all of the cds I had. Just what we need.

Friday we had to get a new tire on the Camry. We had a slow leak in the driver's side back tire for a few weeks--that we took in to get patched--but it didn't hold. New tire.

Today is the kids last day of school. I'm so thankful for that because it took me 10minutes to get Zach out of bed today. Too much swimming and playing hard at Kyle's graduation. (Congratulations Kyle!) It's hard to believe another of my nephews is an adult now. Yikes.

I have a second interview today with the superintendent this time. Nerves are starting to kick in. I've interviewed with him before and find him harder to talk to. He's a very quiet person. I have my outfit picked out--just need to iron it. I'm not getting dressed until right before I head over there. I will just get sticky and sweaty if I do it any time before then. Remember--no air.

I am sunburned. Wanted to get some sun on Saturday at Zach's double header--so I didn't put sunscreen on until after an hour or so in the sun. Yesterday at graduation I got plenty more--especially my neck/chest and knees. It's a tad bit uncomfortable.

Going to get a hair cut tomorrow. Trying to decide if I am actually getting it cut or if I will just have it trimmed up. It's hot on the neck. Hmmm...

Only 2 baseball games this week--it's a miracle and we won't know what to do. We've been running around without our heads cut off for the last month or 2 between track and baseball. It will be fine though because starting June 2nd we start basketball open gyms and shoot outs so it will be back to our norm. Need to remember to cherish this stuff because soon he won't be participating in things that I can go see. I so love to watch him at sports. He has such a love for it all--well, maybe not track but that is the only one.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Small Town Love/Hate

10 things I love about living in a small town.

1. How most everyone waves--even if they don't know you.
2. Living 4 houses away from the highschool so we can walk to most events.
3. How my in-laws live 8 blocks away and my kids can go there whenever they want.
4. The quietness of it all.
5. How we can walk the whole town in an hour or less.
6. Our Sunday School class--what a great bunch of people.
7. That even though we live in a town of 1200 we still have a grocery store, a dollar general, a library, a resturant and a gas station.
8. That some of the teachers my kids have now, my husband had back when he went to school and that some of them go to church with us.
9. That people comment on how much they love us living in Doug's Grandma's house--they love to see it "alive" with activity and people.
10. The slowness of it all.

10 Things I hate about a small town

1. The biggest issue I have with living in a small town is that "things" get around--even if you don't want them to. And the "things" that get around aren't the truth.
2. People think that because they love to see us in Gram's house they can comment on things they don't like about what we did to it--for example--the older ones didn't like that we took down on the shiny chrome storm windows--and they let us know.
3. Neighbors have junk around their houses--because we don't have as many ordinances as a bigger city would. (Can you say 12 junk cars in the yard?)
4. Farm tractors on the country roads and grain trucks lined everywhere in the fall so they can get to the elevator--slows me down.
5. Kids honking as they come out of the student parking lot. every. single. day. (Did you hear me say above that I liked quiet?)
6. How the old ladies love to have me work at the church funeral dinners so they can boss me around and see what gossip I know.
7. That I live 20+ minutes away from my best friend and my son does too.
8. Well, I can only think of 7. Good thing. ha.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I needed put into my place...

And I was. I have been really a woe is me type of person lately. I'm not working, I'm bored, I'm lazy, my youngest child tests my patience daily, I'm this and I'm that...fill in the blank.

Someone called today and through the course of a simple conversation it came out that she is having marital issues and her son is starting to treat her like her husband does, etc. It made me think...what a good husband I have, how privileged I am to be able to stay home (even if I don't want to), how supportive he is of whatever I decide to do or not do. He's still my best friend after all these years. Love you honey!

Counting my blessings today. It's just what I needed. And He so knew it.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I'm wishing my life away...

Last night I made the comment to Zach, after he started in on his "woe is me--no one ever does anything for me" speech, that 18 couldn't get here fast enough. On some days it can't. Believe me, some days the thought of his being his normal jerk self to a college roommate instead of his mom brightens my day. Knowing him though he wouldn't be like that to anyone else but his family--he doesn't want them to know his true self. Not that I don't love that boy--because as I tell him often--he is a piece of my heart...but somedays I could use a break...or some duct tape.

I got two hugs this morning before he left for school and it took me back to that sweet 3 and 4 year old boy who loved his mommy. Nowadays I barely get a "good night". I love how independent my kids are...but some times just sometimes I miss those younger years. I can't go back though--only forward--so maybe I need to head upstairs before bed every night and "tuck" him in like I used to. Kate "tucks" me in since I go to bed before her--and I love that she does that. It's the only time the girl lets me kiss her cheek.

Mother's Day is on Sunday. And I know I'm not the perfect mom. But I'm the mom I'm supposed to be for them. God gave me those 2 for a reason--he's trying to teach us something. (Maybe that I should carry duct tape in my purse! Ha.)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I was raised "green" before "green" was cool.

(I can hear Marie Osmond in the background singing "I was country before country was cool". ha)

I don't remember my parents being particularly enviromental. When I say that I mean the things we did around the house weren't to save the earth--more to save my parents money. (And if they were to save the earth I never heard my parents say that.)

We grew up frugally. My mom was a stay at home mom until I was in high school, my sister in 7th grade. So, we had a big garden--1/4 of an acre--maybe not big to your standards but huge to us. We grew corn, green beans, sweet potatos, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, pumpkins, and I'm sure other things I don't remember. We also had a grape arbor and also Dad grew blackberries. We also had a cherry tree. We canned or froze most of the above veggies and fruits. Mom made grape and blackberry jams/jellies every year. My dad tried his hand at making wine too. I remember sitting at the front porch pitting cherries (which I hated)but I loved cherry pies so I did it. I also remember snapping beans, cutting corn off the cob and canning tomato juice. It was smoking hot in the kitchen those canning days--and of course because we didn't have central air conditioning. Mom's mom would come over and help us out. I remember hoeing and weeding and hating every minute of all that work it took to grow all those veggies. I also remember all the cool bugs that were in the garden--tomato worms and huge spiders and my favortie--praying mantis'.

We also mulched our yard. Then we raked up the grass and used it around our plants to keep the weeds away.

We turned off the water while we were doing dishes (until we rinsed), while we were brushing our teeth and while we soaped up in the shower. All this stuff is wonderful for the evironment now but we did it because we were on well water and they were afraid we would run out of water. It bothers me to this day when Doug is doing dishes and the water runs the whole time he is in there. UGH! Wasting water.

We didn't own Illinois Power either so we turned off the lights when we left a room or turned off the tv when we were done watching it--etc. I will go upstairs now after the kids leave for school and Zach's lights will be on and his tv is going and there is no one there.

And another one of my dreaded things growing up was hanging out the laundry. Everything.even.socks. ugh! Saved on electricity though. I'm looking now to get a clothes line. I won't be hanging socks out, but...I'm sure everything else will get hung out some time or the other.

I guess it is a good thing that I did all those things growing up because they are ingrained in me now and I do them without even thinking. I need to be better about recycling now--we are getting there--we do plastics and aluminum now. I need to move on to glass and paper too. Baby steps. My parents recycle. Have for a long time. So, maybe they are stewards of the earth--they just never told me that's why we were doing it.

Monday, May 3, 2010

It's just another manic Monday...

Weekend was good. Saturday was a nothing day. The good kind. Kate had spent Friday night with a friend and was going to the movies Saturday afternoon and Zach went with a friend to Six Flags so Doug and I were pretty much on our own. My mom and dad came over so Dad could help Doug install a new light fixture in our bathroom and also an outlet. Up until then we couldn't plug anything in the bathroom. So I've been drying and straightening my hair in our bedroom and he has been recharging his razor...on. the. kitchen. counter. YUCK! It only took them 3 hours which was a plus considering this house is 90 years old--and you never know what you are going to find.

After Mom and Dad left Doug and I went and had a late lunch/early supper at Red Lobster. Yum. And then we ran a few errands--by ourselves. yeah. Kate was home when we got home and for supper for them Doug went and picked up a Pizza Hut pizza--her favorite. We went to pick up Zach around 10:00 and he couldn't quit talking about what a good time they had.

Sunday was kind of a lazy morning. We skipped Sunday School and church--uh oh. and hung around together. We left around 1:00 to head to Shelbyville for Zach's first travel baseball games. We played a double header against a Shelbyville area team. This was there 12th and 13th games and you could tell. Zach was upset with himself because he didn't hit very well but his "Sports Center" foul ball catch up against the other dug out fence while he was playing 1st was good enough for me. It was after 7 by the time we got home but luckily chef Kate was here to help us out so taco fixings were ready and waiting for us. Love that she can help with suppers. Makes it so much easier on me--and less stressful.

This week's agenda: Track practice until 4:30--practice baseball game at 6:00 today, Track meet in Clinton Tuesday. Track practice until 4:30 and then baseball practice at 6 on Wednesday. Thursday free--for now--hallelujah! Friday track practice until 4:30 and baseball practice at 6:00, Saturday is a track meet (that Zach will be skipping), baseball pics at 9, opening game at 10:00 and then a double header for travel starting at 2:00. Good thing Sunday is Mother's day! (And remember in my 40th bday list of stuff to do I said I was only going to buy myself one purse this year--that I bought in January? The way around that is to pick one out and to have your kids get it for you for Mother's Day.)