10 things I love about living in a small town.
1. How most everyone waves--even if they don't know you.
2. Living 4 houses away from the highschool so we can walk to most events.
3. How my in-laws live 8 blocks away and my kids can go there whenever they want.
4. The quietness of it all.
5. How we can walk the whole town in an hour or less.
6. Our Sunday School class--what a great bunch of people.
7. That even though we live in a town of 1200 we still have a grocery store, a dollar general, a library, a resturant and a gas station.
8. That some of the teachers my kids have now, my husband had back when he went to school and that some of them go to church with us.
9. That people comment on how much they love us living in Doug's Grandma's house--they love to see it "alive" with activity and people.
10. The slowness of it all.
10 Things I hate about a small town
1. The biggest issue I have with living in a small town is that "things" get around--even if you don't want them to. And the "things" that get around aren't the truth.
2. People think that because they love to see us in Gram's house they can comment on things they don't like about what we did to it--for example--the older ones didn't like that we took down on the shiny chrome storm windows--and they let us know.
3. Neighbors have junk around their houses--because we don't have as many ordinances as a bigger city would. (Can you say 12 junk cars in the yard?)
4. Farm tractors on the country roads and grain trucks lined everywhere in the fall so they can get to the elevator--slows me down.
5. Kids honking as they come out of the student parking lot. every. single. day. (Did you hear me say above that I liked quiet?)
6. How the old ladies love to have me work at the church funeral dinners so they can boss me around and see what gossip I know.
7. That I live 20+ minutes away from my best friend and my son does too.
8. Well, I can only think of 7. Good thing. ha.
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