Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A reminder for next year

Note to self: Do not put off everything that you need to do until the last month of summer. Dental appointments will get cancelled and rescheduled, Doctors will get sick and have to reschedule, Patient records will not get transferred in a timely manner and cause you to have to go to a doc in the box. You will think that you have tons of time left and you will have to go back to work the next week. Ha.

Make sure I write down big projects to accomplish in the summer and schedule them in my planner. Including to call the doctor/dentists, etc.

Also on a work note: Email the parents at the end of the school year for help for registration in the fall. It will at least give you a list of parents to call for help. So far this year I have contacted 14-16 parents--6 have told me an out right no--some are working and the others just haven't gotten back to me. I only need 8 people--4 for the morning and 4 for the afternoon. Looks like Kate will take 2 spots and Doug will take 2 spots. How crappy. Think my mom would be up for it??? Ha.

Also for vacation plans--put at least 5 days cushion in between the end of school and the 10 days I have to work after--we had that many snow days this year.

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