Sunday, July 24, 2011

The end of a crazy busy week...

Everything went as planned this week with the exception of Friday. I went to my mom's to set up for the rummage sale. There were a few other sales on mom's street so people kept coming up. We were turning people away for a while, but got to thinking that it was against our best interests to keep doing that. We sent Kate and Mom to the credit union to get some change and we opened for business. We made over $450 Friday. Now of course, Salli sold a couch and chair for $250 but we each made almost a $100 besides that. Our sale ended up being around $715 which I thought was excellent for one of the hottest weekends ever. I made $200, Mom made around $40 another friend made $20 and the rest was my sister's. She had all of her baby stuff, stroller, high chair, bath, exersaucer, and tons of clothes. It felt good to get rid of everything. I came home with 3 empty bins--the biggest ones. They talked and we are going to have another one after school starts--they were willing to run it without me because we decided to do it Friday and Saturday. I will help on Saturday of course, but Friday I will be working. I'm ready to clean out some more stuff.

I have 2 more closets left to go through. They are mostly clothes--Doug and I's both so I will have to get him on board. 1 more full week until I go back to work. Seemed like a short summer for me, but that's okay--I really miss work. Never thought I would say that.

Kate and I are off to Vacation Bible School tonight through Thursday. Fun.

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