- Lose 15# again this year by going to Weight Watchers weekly.
- Only shop for myself with my own spending money--not out of family budget
- Only buy 1 purse this year
- Get caught up on Kate's school album--you know she graduates next year right?
- Move more--@ least 15 minutes 5 times a week
- Be closer to God--I bought the one year Bible and I'm going to read before bed.
- Develop all my pictures from the last 2-3 years.
- Think things through
- Plan ahead
- Choose wisely
- Spend smartly
- Want Less
- Move more
Still to do in January:
- Put away Christmas
- Organize Paper closet
- Clean out junk drawer
- Figure out one little word
- Find ways to organize bills, pay off debt, and manage paper clutter that lands on table.
- organize freezers and clean out fridge
- Linen closet organized
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