Wednesday, January 2, 2013

One Little Word 2013

I spent a lot of time trying to deny my word for this year.  You know...sometimes you just don't want to hear what it has to say.  But in the end I keep coming back to it.  It's a little vague, but that's good because I have interpreted it in a bunch of different ways.

My word is GRACE.
And here is the definition:

Main Entry:
grace[greys] /greɪs/
Part of Speech:
charm, loveliness
address, adroitness, agility, allure, attractiveness, balance, beauty, breeding, comeliness, consideration, cultivation, decency, decorum, dexterity, dignity, ease, elegance, etiquette, finesse, finish, form, gracefulness, lissomeness, lithesomeness, mannerliness, manners, nimbleness, pleasantness, pliancy, poise, polish, propriety, refinement, shapeliness, smoothness, style, suppleness, symmetry, tact, tastefulness
I have highlighted the synonyms that I want to try to be this year. 

For years I have been lewd and crude--and I have been okay with it.  My favorite word for the last few years has been fuck.  I say it loudly and often.  But lately....I think that maybe....I need to grow up and learn to express myself in a more adult and professional way.  I don't want my kids to look back and think that all I did was say fuck.  I want them to look back and say that I was collected, professional, warm and full of grace. 

So that is my word. 

Stay tuned for my 6 goals/resolutions for 2013.

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