Monday, April 22, 2013

I'm still struggling...

Having a rough time this year with coming to grip with the fact that people do not think I lead a life outside of work.  They call me at home to ask me questions about school...those who had my cell phone text me at all hours to ask questions about school...and today a friend from church called my mother in law to get my cell number (hmmm...mostly mad because she called Darlene I think) to talk to me about school---after she had already spoken to me twice at work.  People, I have a life and it doesn't revolve around school. I started not answering at home, not texting back and unfortunately tonight pretending that I didn't have my phone with me.  Maybe that is one of the reasons we went ahead and got rid of our home phone--not to mention the cost. 

Going to have to make some more hard choices for next assistant principal is moving to the grade school to be principal and that means some changes in the office for next year.  I'm going to have to let a lot of stuff go by the wayside (stuff that he would normally do) because it isn't my job.  I'm going to have to just do my stuff and not worry about other stuff.  I'm going to remind the principal twice about stuff and then it is out of my hands.  I'm going to be more selective with my friendships at school and who I confide in.  I'm tired of the bitching and complaining coming from some of the staff and I am distancing myself from that.  I am trying to save my sanity--not to mention Doug's and the kids'.  I'm tired of taking frustrations out on them.  I'm going to try to leave my frustrations at work.  I am buying a notebook and dumping it all in there before I leave for the day. 

I'm tired of being a negative Nellie all the time.  How I wish I was a glass half full person.  Trying to think good thoughts and read good uplifting stuff...but sometimes the whininess and pettiness and lack of consideration and respect of some people just really burn my butt.  Sometimes I wish I didn't care so much--wish I could just go to work and be a robot--answer the phone in a monotone voice and handle everything all day long with no emotion.  Parents wouldn't bother me, teachers wouldn't bother me and neither would other staff members.  The kids are the least of my worries most time--its the adults who don't know any better.

This week is my bitch week and I can feel myself being awful to everyone.  I just can't seem to help it.  The little things just really bug me this week....random repetitious noises, dishes that don't get done, socks that miss the basket, toothpaste that doesn't get washed down the sink, cans that don't get crushed, bread ties that don't make it to the garbage can, empty toilet paper rolls that stay on the holder for days, empty hangers that never make it down to the laundry area, full baskets of clean clothes that never get put away--only rifled through and messed up, dogs that don't get let out when they have to go, hitting snooze on the alarm more than 2 or 3 times, papers that never get put away and are left on the table for days, baseball--basketball and other sports crap that get left in places that they don't belong in, my car never getting cleaned out--empty soda cans, wrappers and lunchboxes that get left in there, always having to say no when someone asks to spend money, always being the only one that wants to pay off our bills, always having to come up with a menu, shop for said menu and then cook same menu, never getting a thank you for doing the stuff I do everyday that no one even notices--clean clothes--mostly, and last but not least never getting enough alone time for me.   It seems that every time I try to steal a moment or two someone comes in and talks to me.

OK I am done venting....

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