Monday, November 18, 2013

It's been almost 5 months...

Holy does that happen.  I was just sitting here reading blogs and realized how much I miss writing.  I miss mind dumping everything here every once in a while.  So without further are 10 random things about life right now.

1.  Weather has been crazy real fall this year...which sucks for me...since that is my favorite season.  Last week only about half the leaves were down when it snowed.  Holy smokes...snow...not ready yet.

2.  Have the itch to clean everything...we are talking wash all decor and curtains and blankets and woodwork. Need to embrace it and everything can be clean before the holidays.

3.  Still struggling with the whole work thing.  I am really missing Eric and his level head.  I'm ready for Jack to go.  I am finding myself not caring more and more and I hate that. 

4.  Basketball is about to start.  My boy needs to step it up this year...more kids act like they want it more than he does.  He may be a good shot, but if he doesn't show the coaches that he wants it he probably won't play. 

5.  I'm almost done Christmas shopping for my kids.  November 18th baby...mark it down....and I stuck to my budget for them this year.  Another feat for me.

6.  Not getting enough alone time...I wish we were rich and we had a little weekend getaway that I could sneak down to.  A book and some music and no one else.  Freaking heaven.

7.  Haven't had a routine at home lately.  Stepping back and letting others take over the stuff that drives me crazy.  I don't know if it's working but I am less stressed.  Whatever it takes.

8.  I don't really want anything for Christmas this year.  Oh, I'll take a level head and some will power but that's not easily found....

9.  Trying not to think about my weight for once in my life. I do better when I feel my pants getting tighter--I lay off the junk until I can breathe again.  I still binge though--donuts anyone?  I'm doing better though and not going to worry about it for a little bit longer. 

10.  I want to paint our whole living area and hallways.  But I want to go lighter and can't find the right shade of gold. It will be a slight change but lately I've found my style and just need to tweak things here and there.  Can you say the same comforter for the last 6 years????  It's a miracle--problem is that it is about worn out and I can't part with it because I love the look. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

June Randomness...

  • Yesterday was my last day of work until August.  As much as I struggled this year I know I will miss the guys in the office.  I'll have to sneak over there every few weeks and get my fix.
  • Bridal shower this weekend and then a wedding next weekend--which is going to be a kid free weekend for Doug and I.  So looking forward to that.
  • Kate graduated last month.  Still have to keep repeating that to myself.  It will hit home next school year when I go back to work and she isn't there.
  • The State of Illinois finally came through with Meridian's money.  That means the classrooms and rest of the school will get built.  Hope to be in by Christmas 2014.  Holy cow...that isn't very far away.
  • Had our house appraised this week--hoping to do some cosmetic changes--roof and siding.
  • Went out for supper and bitching with my BFF last night.  Love doing that.
  • Kids are going with Doug to Six Flags on Saturday while I go to bridal shower.  A whole day to myself--with only a couple of hours planned--what to do--what to do.

Monday, April 22, 2013

I'm still struggling...

Having a rough time this year with coming to grip with the fact that people do not think I lead a life outside of work.  They call me at home to ask me questions about school...those who had my cell phone text me at all hours to ask questions about school...and today a friend from church called my mother in law to get my cell number (hmmm...mostly mad because she called Darlene I think) to talk to me about school---after she had already spoken to me twice at work.  People, I have a life and it doesn't revolve around school. I started not answering at home, not texting back and unfortunately tonight pretending that I didn't have my phone with me.  Maybe that is one of the reasons we went ahead and got rid of our home phone--not to mention the cost. 

Going to have to make some more hard choices for next assistant principal is moving to the grade school to be principal and that means some changes in the office for next year.  I'm going to have to let a lot of stuff go by the wayside (stuff that he would normally do) because it isn't my job.  I'm going to have to just do my stuff and not worry about other stuff.  I'm going to remind the principal twice about stuff and then it is out of my hands.  I'm going to be more selective with my friendships at school and who I confide in.  I'm tired of the bitching and complaining coming from some of the staff and I am distancing myself from that.  I am trying to save my sanity--not to mention Doug's and the kids'.  I'm tired of taking frustrations out on them.  I'm going to try to leave my frustrations at work.  I am buying a notebook and dumping it all in there before I leave for the day. 

I'm tired of being a negative Nellie all the time.  How I wish I was a glass half full person.  Trying to think good thoughts and read good uplifting stuff...but sometimes the whininess and pettiness and lack of consideration and respect of some people just really burn my butt.  Sometimes I wish I didn't care so much--wish I could just go to work and be a robot--answer the phone in a monotone voice and handle everything all day long with no emotion.  Parents wouldn't bother me, teachers wouldn't bother me and neither would other staff members.  The kids are the least of my worries most time--its the adults who don't know any better.

This week is my bitch week and I can feel myself being awful to everyone.  I just can't seem to help it.  The little things just really bug me this week....random repetitious noises, dishes that don't get done, socks that miss the basket, toothpaste that doesn't get washed down the sink, cans that don't get crushed, bread ties that don't make it to the garbage can, empty toilet paper rolls that stay on the holder for days, empty hangers that never make it down to the laundry area, full baskets of clean clothes that never get put away--only rifled through and messed up, dogs that don't get let out when they have to go, hitting snooze on the alarm more than 2 or 3 times, papers that never get put away and are left on the table for days, baseball--basketball and other sports crap that get left in places that they don't belong in, my car never getting cleaned out--empty soda cans, wrappers and lunchboxes that get left in there, always having to say no when someone asks to spend money, always being the only one that wants to pay off our bills, always having to come up with a menu, shop for said menu and then cook same menu, never getting a thank you for doing the stuff I do everyday that no one even notices--clean clothes--mostly, and last but not least never getting enough alone time for me.   It seems that every time I try to steal a moment or two someone comes in and talks to me.

OK I am done venting....

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Complete Randomness...

  • Still doing great with my daily to do lists.  Need to go ahead and laminate them because they are good to go...don't need to change anything.  I love being able to see the top of my dining room table and love that I am not overwhelmed on the weekends.
  • Spent 6+ hours last Friday with my BFF and a few others at a Scrapbooking Crop where I got a ton done--not that I got everything done like I wanted (I forgot to take some stuff--ok that is a lie--I didn't even know where some of the stuff was)but I am organized and I have a plan.  Not only is Kate's stuff organized and finished up until 8th grade...but Zach's is done until 6th.  That is 2 more for Kate than I previously had done and 4 more for Zach.  I will be starting high school for both of them.  Just need to get some pictures developed and I will be ready for the next crop in April.
  • Loved getting together like old times with Dawn--took me back in time a little.  And no interruptions--no going to get kids at pre-school.  Ha.  That's how long it has been since we have done this...Her youngest was in preschool.  Yikes
  • Spent 3+ hours on Sunday up in my scrap everything--touching everything--looking for those darn items that were previously missing from Kate's stash of school stuff.  Found all of that and more.  Next time we go to crop I can grab a bin and have all of the kids school stuff.  Put all the random stuff in another bin...nieces and nephews, Christmas cards and random bits of vacation stuff that will go with pictures in my next vacation album.
  • Need to order more page protectors and high school binders.
  • I am seriously contemplating hiring someone to come in and deep clean our house before graduation.  Now to convince Doug--if nothing else I want a window washer and someone to come in and shampoo our couch and living room rug.
  • Started going to Dave Ramsey classes two weeks ago.  I'm not going to lie...this will be hard for me.  Shopping is my go to form of therapy.  I find it painful not to buy something at least once a week.  UGH.  Willpower here I come.
  • Took today off and besides getting my nails done I did absolutely nothing.  Felt good to lie around all day on the couch. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

My weekly chores

I have been struggling for awhile on staying on top of my house work.  Going back to work full time almost 3 years ago has been good for me but bad for my organization and cleaning habits.  This year I am determined to stay on top of everything which will make my life easier and me happier. I sat down and thought of everything I would like to get done in a week and then divided it up by days and put each day on their own separate index card.  I keep them on/in my nightstand to remind me of what I need to accomplish each day.

Here is my schedule (this is still a work in process since I have only been doing it for a little over 3 weeks--I added something today that I had forgotten.  Once I have it down pat I will be laminating my index cards for each day)

clean bathroom
put my laundry away
make sure kids have put all their shoes and laundry away
straighten up kitchen
make sure garbage is taken out
water inside plants (added this one today)

check my calendar--plan week out on fridge weekly dry erase calendar
plan my wardrobe for whole week--hang at front of my closet including jewelry or scarves
plan menu for week
Cook Sunday dinner

clean off dining room table
clean out 1 drawer
straighten desk and office
organize something

do laundry--at least one load of darks, lights and whites
clean fridge and microwave
straighten dining room--dust
file any papers that need it

go to library

fruit shopping/run errands
straighten den and porch
make sure kids put all their shoes away

do laundry--at least one load of darks, lights, and whites
straighten master bedroom--dust
do 1 or 2 things from my to do list (list on small memo pad I add to as I think of things--on fridge)
clean off dining room table

clean out purse
clean contacts

balance checkbook--pay bills every other week
straighten living room--dust
wash rugs, blankets or pillows if necessary
attend MHS games
out to eat or have Doug bring food home

have kids do chores of my choice
vacuum whole house
run errands with Doug
out to eat
wash sweaters or hand washable clothes

So far this has worked out wonderfully for me.  My dining room table has been relatively clean since I started this.  It never was before--it was always piled with all kinds of stuff.  Every day only takes me an hour or hour and half at most to do.  And if someone helps me it takes less time.  Some days I break it up and sometimes I tackle everything all at once.  I feel great about my house and about myself for having accomplished something every day.

Stay tuned for more about my to do list and a monthly chore list I am making for deep cleaning the whole house.

Monday, January 14, 2013


I find myself struggling with my friendships now.  It's like people don't understand what it means to be a friend.  2 instances recently that have opened my eyes and made me question if these women are really my friends.

Instance #1:  Friend's son is a student where I work. He got "jumped" in the school parking lot after school by a non-student on Thursday.  After school got out--but the office did not find out about it until an hour or more later.  He was the winner of the "fight".  Administration called her son down the next morning to talk about it and he had not told her about it yet.  He asked to be the first to tell her and the principal--being a nice guy--said that was fine.  This was Friday and principal was going to see her at a game on Saturday so he agreed to it.  He was not in any way in trouble....police were called by us to talk to non-student and tell him not to come on school property for any reason.  No consequences at all for defending himself from non-student. 

I am sitting in line at car wash with Doug and I get a phone call from my friend.  She is basically mad at me because I didn't call and give her a heads up about the whole thing.  Not my job lady!  Her son had never told her, so she looked like a fool when Principal talked to her at game.  She was embarrassed and upset that she didn't know about it.  Here's the kicker...she wasn't really mad at her son but at me because I should have given her a heads up.  I said it happened Thursday...didn't he look like he had been in a fight????  I knew he had been knocked down in the gravel parking lot and that he had to be pulled off the kid--landing punches before that.   She said no she hadn't noticed anything.  He had been in her room "pacing" on Friday night but he never said anything.  (Wake up lady--he was trying to tell you something--use your freaking words and talk to your kid).

We have dinner with her and boyfriend Saturday night where she proceeds to tell me that his knuckles are all scabbed up and so are her knees.  Boyfriend is pissed at school and going off on our administration.  Look...we are supposed to be out having dinner and good conversation and now I am at the point where I don't want anything to do with them.  (these are the same parents that call and ask Doug and I all the time when practices are because he never tells them--ASK!). 

Been struggling with whether or not Doug and I are being good parents and this reinforced that even though we aren't doing everything right at least we are talking to our kids more than once a day. 

Instance #2:  Zach's friend was asked earlier in season to play up from Freshmen basketball to JV basketball.  He kept bragging to Zach about it which really pissed me off and hurt Zach's feelings.  Well, he didn't perform as well as he should have so they told him to go back down to only playing freshman ball.  Fast forward to last weekend.  JV coach had to coach Zach's freshman team because our coach was kicked out of a game and had to serve a 1 game suspension.  He coached the boys--who played a really good game--they didn't win, but gave it their all.  Next day we had another game scheduled before JV and Varsity. JV coach went to a few (4) of the freshmen kids and asked it they would want to practice and dress for JV for the next game.  Her son did not get asked.  She started posting vague shit on Facebook.  Vague shit that wasn't so vague...if you know what I mean.  So Friday night they got asked to dress again...this time since we were getting beat badly, he put those 4 boys in.  Zach had 3 points.  I sat on the other side of the gym with other staff members and I could see her whispering to another parent all during the game. 

She made an appointment to come speak to the JV coach this afternoon to see why her son was not being asked to play.  First of all,  this isn't YMCA ball anymore---parents should not be involved--if your son wants to know why he isn't playing he should go to the coach to ask--the parent should not. Instead of asking what her son could do she threw all of our kids under the bus.  She said her son was better than all of ours basically and he deserved to play over all of them...WTF...did I do that when her son was asked and was playing before.  NO....and I am freaking friends with the coach....I work with him every day.  Now granted, I should not know what was said in that meeting, but since it happened in my office I heard.  But I am really disappointed in her.  When her son was playing over Zach I wasn't mad at her son for playing...I was mad that he was bragging, but I was happy that he was getting the experience. To say one or two of them didn't deserve it makes sense, but all 4 of them give me a break.  Also the only one who plays his same position is Zach.   UGH...let's cheer for the whole team--not just our own kids.  I am genuinely happy for all the kids when they have a good game, make a good play or hustle.  I yell for them all in a positive way--but I am starting to see that not every parent is like that.  They are only concerned for their own child and to hell with the rest of them which is very sad in my opinion.  One kid does not make a team---Basketball takes 5 kids to make a team.  And NONE of our kids are going to go on and play NBA or even college ball.  GET OVER YOURSELF!!!

Hoping nothing else happens with my friends this week....maybe I should crawl in a hole and hide from them all. 

Friday, January 4, 2013

My goals for 2013

I only have 6 things on my "to do" list for 2013...and none of them are un-doable--they aren't even very hard.  3 of them even involve decor. 
  • be fit enough to walk the hardest trail at Turkey Run State Park without thinking I am going to die.
  • Go on at least one weekend getaway with Doug possibly 2.
  • take a family vacation--a memorable one.
  • go to the Third Sunday Market at least 2 times this year.
  • Find an entertainment stand for the new TV we hope to get in the living room in the next year or 2.  It needs to have some drawers for DVDs and other storage and it has to have CHIPPY PAINT.
  • Take down the bowl shelf in my kitchen and find something else to put there.
So there they are--not hard and nothing to do with my freaking weight which has been on my list every year since college.  It's good to unchain that goal from my leg...not that I don't want to lose weight...I just don't want to say it again and then do nothing about it.  That's why the fit thing is the very first thing on my list.  If I am goes to say that some of this weight is going to come off. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

One Little Word 2013

I spent a lot of time trying to deny my word for this year.  You know...sometimes you just don't want to hear what it has to say.  But in the end I keep coming back to it.  It's a little vague, but that's good because I have interpreted it in a bunch of different ways.

My word is GRACE.
And here is the definition:

Main Entry:
grace[greys] /greɪs/
Part of Speech:
charm, loveliness
address, adroitness, agility, allure, attractiveness, balance, beauty, breeding, comeliness, consideration, cultivation, decency, decorum, dexterity, dignity, ease, elegance, etiquette, finesse, finish, form, gracefulness, lissomeness, lithesomeness, mannerliness, manners, nimbleness, pleasantness, pliancy, poise, polish, propriety, refinement, shapeliness, smoothness, style, suppleness, symmetry, tact, tastefulness
I have highlighted the synonyms that I want to try to be this year. 

For years I have been lewd and crude--and I have been okay with it.  My favorite word for the last few years has been fuck.  I say it loudly and often.  But lately....I think that maybe....I need to grow up and learn to express myself in a more adult and professional way.  I don't want my kids to look back and think that all I did was say fuck.  I want them to look back and say that I was collected, professional, warm and full of grace. 

So that is my word. 

Stay tuned for my 6 goals/resolutions for 2013.