Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Complete Randomness...

  • Still doing great with my daily to do lists.  Need to go ahead and laminate them because they are good to go...don't need to change anything.  I love being able to see the top of my dining room table and love that I am not overwhelmed on the weekends.
  • Spent 6+ hours last Friday with my BFF and a few others at a Scrapbooking Crop where I got a ton done--not that I got everything done like I wanted (I forgot to take some stuff--ok that is a lie--I didn't even know where some of the stuff was)but I am organized and I have a plan.  Not only is Kate's stuff organized and finished up until 8th grade...but Zach's is done until 6th.  That is 2 more for Kate than I previously had done and 4 more for Zach.  I will be starting high school for both of them.  Just need to get some pictures developed and I will be ready for the next crop in April.
  • Loved getting together like old times with Dawn--took me back in time a little.  And no interruptions--no going to get kids at pre-school.  Ha.  That's how long it has been since we have done this...Her youngest was in preschool.  Yikes
  • Spent 3+ hours on Sunday up in my scrap area....cleaning everything--touching everything--looking for those darn items that were previously missing from Kate's stash of school stuff.  Found all of that and more.  Next time we go to crop I can grab a bin and have all of the kids school stuff.  Put all the random stuff in another bin...nieces and nephews, Christmas cards and random bits of vacation stuff that will go with pictures in my next vacation album.
  • Need to order more page protectors and high school binders.
  • I am seriously contemplating hiring someone to come in and deep clean our house before graduation.  Now to convince Doug--if nothing else I want a window washer and someone to come in and shampoo our couch and living room rug.
  • Started going to Dave Ramsey classes two weeks ago.  I'm not going to lie...this will be hard for me.  Shopping is my go to form of therapy.  I find it painful not to buy something at least once a week.  UGH.  Willpower here I come.
  • Took today off and besides getting my nails done I did absolutely nothing.  Felt good to lie around all day on the couch.