Monday, July 13, 2009

Back to the grind

We are back from our mini getaway to St. Louis and my trip to Florida. I hate to say it but it is nice to be home. I can't believe I said that. Guess I am just a home body at heart. As much as I complain and complain about chores and stuff around the house I was feeling odd about not doing any laundry or chores while we were gone.

Speaking of chores while I was gone--I came home to a load of towels done and a new light fixture in the dining room. Also the yard was mowed. Plus the house wasn't too bad--I am quite shocked on that one. They were busy most of the time so I shouldn't be surprised.

Oh and I came home to the fender on MY car being bashed in. Doug was in an accident--the lady hit him and then didn't stop. How lovely! IN MY CAR. ugh. He's going to get an estimate tomorrow at lunch time...Life...there's nothing like it, right?

I finished a small scrapbook album of all my neices and nephews--which is going to have some type of Cousins theme. I only have to come up with a few snapshot pictures to add here and there and Voila! it will be done. I also finished all my professional pics of the cousins for their scrapbooks--I am caught up on those now--and I also started an album about the 4 of us. I was very happy with my progress, but wish I would have taken more to do. I also read 1 1/2 books, swam in their pool, watched a movie and visited a lot. I really enjoyed the trip. It was nice to have no responsibilites and no real schedules. The second night we didn't eat supper until 8:30--we lost track of time and didn't realize how late it was. Awesome. All of our flights were uneventful--well, for me--some blanket covering teenager slept on Dawn's shoulder for the majority of the flight from Atlanta to Ft. Lauderdale. Ha. Not really funny--but sorta, kinda--sorry Dawn.

I am loving working with the new pastor--so far. He's a worker and wants me to be involved with everything--I love that even more. I am so excited to actually work. I even agreed to work an extra hour every day this week to get on the same page with him--sometimes 3 hours isn't enough.

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