Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Is Spring here yet?

I've got a few windows open today and it's a little chilly. I love hearing the birds chirping. A few of my spring flowers are starting to pop up here and there and in one of my flower beds--dandelions!! Can you believe it? They have grown twice their size in about 3 days.

I'm wishing for green grass (we have soya grass so it is still dead looking), daffodils and tulips, curtains blowing in the breeze, short sleeved shirts, taking the flannel sheets off of our beds, hanging laundry on the line, capri pants, and flip flops...oh and spring cleaning. I'm going to start that list this weekend.

I fell off the sugar wagon on Sunday--and haven't been able to get back on yet. I am still determined. Especially since I put some jeans on I haven't worn for a few months and they fit without pouring myself into them. So the 12 days I was off sweets seemed to have worked. Time to get back on and get a few more pounds off before Easter so I can wear some dress pants for church. (since I haven't been working at the credit union (1 year) I haven't been wearing any dress clothes--it could be a problem. Time to get back to it. I felt so much better being off of the stuff anyway. Why wouldn't I want that?

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