Thursday, August 20, 2009

Are kids stupider nowadays...

or is it just mine in particular. So last night I was upstairs working on my wedding scrapbook--yes I know I have been married for 16 years--I'm slow okay, any way I'm working away and I hear laughter and it sounds like the kids are having a good time. It couldn't have been more than a few minutes later and all of a sudden there is screaming and I hear the sounds of flesh hitting flesh and then crying, oh and also a thundering of foot steps--you know like someone is chasing the other. So I come down the stairs--not quietly mind you to investigate and they are still going at it. Of course they only pick the times when there is one parent at home to go at it, but why did it have to be me. Ha. So, suffice to say, they both had to go to bed early last night and they lost their phones until Saturday.

Now I remember when my sister and I had a knock down drag out it was when neither one of our parents were home. Then you can do all the bitch slapping and hair pulling that you want. Well, apparently my kids don't care who's home when the mood strikes them. Like I said, they are stupid.

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