Thursday, August 27, 2009

Today was a good day...

It wasn't too stressful, it wasn't too long or too was just right. And tomorrow Doug comes home and all will be right in the world. It's hard not to talk to him every day. Oh, we have been doing the texting and the emailing and a few calls now and then, but my life is so boring without him around.

Zach's baseball team finally one a game. It was a blow out and was good for the boys' egos. They needed it because we are usually the ones getting spanked. Badly!

I went to Target yesterday to get a few things we needed and it made me want to Christmas shop. I found this really cool glass candle holder thing--I used to have one that was broken by my son and his friends when they were playing something inside the house that they shouldn't and I was devastated. Not only because it cost $60, but because I loved that thing. I wouldn't go by myself another one, because doesn't grow on trees and what if it got broken again? So yesterday at Target--they had them--for $15. I wanted to buy 2 or 3. Ha. I bought one for myself and I'm thinking about going back to get one each for both of my sister in laws for Christmas. At that price I can buy potpourri and a candle and still be under my $25 Christmas present budget. Awesome. Hope they have some still this weekend after we get paid. That will be 2 presents I don't have to worry about.

Also I am going to pick up a couple of small things for Zach. He and his friends were in the yard last weekend for hours and hours playing base ball with tennis balls. They were using multiple things for bases including baseball caps, my hummingbird feeder (that one disturbed me) and big sticks and such. Guess what? Target has bases for 12.99--that's a good deal. I'm always looking for things for him. I'm on the lookout for a binder for his baseball cards that the outside actually looks like a baseball. I've seen them somewhere and now can't find them. Dang, I hate that.

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